Monday 20 August 2018

Poem 3 Time Will Tell - with Joe and Roisin

So after a weekend off enjoying the Evangelium conference in the very school where Tolkien wrote some of the Lord of the Rings! We entered the black room to pay hommage. Apparently his son taught there for a while and so Tolkien and his wife came to visit their son..

But now to Joe and Roisin who were in my Bard school poetry workshop and I couldn't help asking them for their comments bcause they always seems to be beaming or laughing! This is what Joe had said about Lipstick is a Spiritual experience (I wanted to find out why men always seemed to like this one)

"It’s satire but there’s not a bitterness to it because we enjoy the thing itself… it’s just hilarious – Rouge Extreme… (is that Real? Yes) but we realise this is what capitalism tries to sell us but it’s still refreshing because I’m somehow enjoying the lipstick along with you. It’s ridiculous but funny too.

Now don’t think I’m a cheap laugh, but honestly there’s something about that.. "

So how about the poem 'Time Will Tell?',

Roisin is doing a Master of Fine Arts in comtemporary art curating and Joe is teaching English at the The Cedars School.

I feel a great sense of space.. and it’s almost like you lay out the picnic blancket and you invite people to the feast,

Your'e allowing the people into that space of time and living it.
Each time has its everything in it.

Joe -
I had the image of the sea… because the tide keeps time… on the shore in and out… and so the sea is silence but it listens to us… in a pagan kind of way but pointing us to God. It made me think of Wordsworth talking about the sea "the mighty being is awake,
And doth with his eternal motion make a sound like thunder, everlastingly'

So that‘s the romanitic poet on the verge of divinising nature but
(now they’re talking together and I’m not sure who is saying what)

You get the sense that there’s something beyond all this joy and suffering. Something beyond the events around you,

Time won’t show you.. it’s silent.. at first.. You don’t see it, but somthing in you is responding to what’s there.

It’s holding the birds who sing.

There’s a hidden love."

Picture - The Black Room at The Oratory School, Reading where Tolkien wrote part of the Lord of the Rings

You can find the audio book here

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